We are the only Producer of
DME Gas in Indonesia and Southeast Asia

Available since 1996 as a Producer of
DME Gas for International and Local Markets

We continue to optimize our performance
Capacity of DME Gas Production in PT. Bumitangerang Gas Industri is
1000 Ton/Month

Made of environmentally friendly materials,
Dimethtyl Ether is The Future Energy

PT. Bumitangerang Gas Industry

“Pendirian Perusahaan”

PT. Bumitangerang Gas Industry didirikan dalam rangka Undang-undang Penanaman Modal dalam Negeri No. 6 tahun 1968 j.o. Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 1070 berdasarkan Akta Notaris Mellyani Noor Shandra, SH No. 93 tanggal 25 September 1996. Akta Pendirian perusahaan telah mendapat pengesahan dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia dalam Surat Keputusan No. C2-2703.HT. 01. 01.Th.97 tanggal 15 April 1997. Sesuai dengan Pasal 3 Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, ruang lingkup kegiatan perusahaan adalah menjalankan usaha dalam bidang usaha industri gas, khususnya memproduksi Demithyl Ether Gas (DME).

PT. Bumitangerang Gas Industri


was established to meet the
mandate of the Law No. 6 of 1968 in conjunction with Law No. 12 of
1970 on Domestic Investment with regard to Notarial Deed of
Mellyani Noor Shandra, SH No. 93 on 25 September 1996.
In accordance with Article 3 of the Articles of Association of the
Company, the scope of company activities is to run a business in the
sector of industrial gas, specializing in producing Dimethyl Ether
(DME) Gas


PT. Bumitangerang Gas Industri is one of the only producer of Dimethyl
Ether (DME) GAS in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This company is now
dominating 100% of the local Dimethyl Ether (DME) Gas market.
At the beginning of its operations in 1996 the company produced DME
Gas to satisfy the international and local demands. The company’s
export destinations were Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore, while its local
customers were paint industries and cosmetic industries.
Dimethyl Ether (DME) Gas is used mainly in aerosol propellant, and is
largely used or required in production of spray paints, hair spray,
perfume, insecticide and any other aerosol products. The company’s
production has a capacity of 1000 tons/month with an actual
production of 60%.

PT. Bumitangerang Gas Industry

Dimethyl Ether (DME)

DME, apa itu DME? DME atau Dimethyl Ether merupakan senyawa ater yang paling sederhana, yang memiliki formula kimia CH3OCH3.DME memiliki sifat fisik yang serupa dengan Liquified Petroleum Gas ( LPG ) sehingga selain dapat langsung digunakan sebagai sumber energi peralatan rumah tangga, pengemasan dan pendistribusiannya mudah. Karakter pembakarannya sama dengan gas alam.